Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Milk the most important ingredient

Today I am discussing milk. This discussion goes on longer than I thought it would, so the video ends abruptly. Sorry about that. There is a lot that can be said about milk, and I hope I covered the basics. If you have questions or comments please write them in the blog.


  1. This is a very interesting discussion on a very controversial topic. Personally, I wish we could buy raw milk from our favorite dairy farmer wherever we live, but sadly this is not possible.

    1. First thank you very much. Yes it is a very controversial topic with scientific evidence on both sides supporting both positions. There are two main problems that I see, one the "Nanny State" treating us like irresponsible children, and two us letting them. The fact is, with the dairy regulations already in place even raw milk is much safer than it was 100 years ago, but some people are going to get sick from drinking raw milk. That is just a fact. It is no different then people getting sick from eating eggs. There was a large outbreak of salmonella poisoning from eggs a couple of years ago. Did they stop selling all eggs in the store? Of course not. There are a lot of things out there that can make you sick, that is why it is much better to buy from a local farmer whose farming practices you can check out yourself. Get to know a local farmer and build a relationship with that farmer. In the end you will get much better product than what you get from any supermarket I don't care how up scale it is. On Farm Raw Milk sales should be allowed and can be very safe.
